No Post for Today // Little Updates! \\

Sigh. Yesterday was a rough day for me. I'm not going to talk about it though because this isn't the place for it. Long story short - emotions suck.

I'm NOT quitting my blog or anything, just... overwhelmed at the moment with all the projects I want to do/finish/etc relating to my dolls. I have something special planned for both tomorrow's Media Monday and for February, I'm not going to give up those ideas just because of how I am. I'm still working on my big project for my koalaity little families. Please be patient with me... I know you guys will... Or, at least the handful of you who read my stuff.

I went through my storage and found a LOT of my old porcelain dolls. I've been a doll lover since I was a kid. I had a Rubbermaid bin full of Barbies, Bratz and the like when I was a kid... (Which I no longer have, because I'm an adult and I only have Rubbermaid bins of collectible(ish) dolls now). Porcelain was another love of mine as a kid. I'll be posting some pics of the dolls I've had since childhood, and reiterate their stories there, but I feel like talking about them here and now, so I'm doing it and you can't stop me.

I have one from Duckhouse, a Rapunzel-like doll. Green eyes and dress, pale skin, blonde hair in a braid with a pearl strand in it. I went to fix her hair, which had become a tangled (haha Disney reference), matted mess, doing everything in my power to fix it, but it was too far gone. So I pulled her wig off, cut it and I'm going to resell it on my eBay eventually. I know a new wig will lower her value, but I REALLY want that Rapunzel-esque hair back. I'm not going to sell the doll herself because I know I've had her for a really long time and I still love her. She's just suffering from baldness at the moment. Her head has an 8-inch diameter/circumference whatever (I measured it using the doll wig sizing guides all over the web).

Two of the porcelain dolls I'd rather DIE than sell them. One is a blonde haired, blue eyed bride doll. She's not 'special' on the outside (other than her BEAUTIFUL dress), but she was the last present/gift I ever got from my great-grandmother, Meemaw before her passing. I'd keep the doll just by appearance itself but with that sentiment, I just can NOT imagine selling her. Another is one my mom had as a child, so she gave it to me when I started collecting porcelain dolls at a young age. I've had the doll ever since. It kind of looks like my mom, but with prim and proper clothes that look like they come straight from a Victorian lady's closet.

I also have 5 - 10 Living Dead Dolls. The name is self-explanatory. I got my first one, Orchid at age 13/14. Most people wouldn't like them, even appearing next to AG dolls, let alone a doll-orientated blog. I'll always give a warning if I post pictures of them, etc... Just so the faint of heart don't die of a heart attack and little kids don't run screaming for mommy and daddy (and if you're a little kid, please go find your mommy and daddy and scold them for letting you be on the internet all alone).

Another is a doll I'm always on the edge of giving up. I found her at a garage sale a couple of years ago, the lady selling her said her grandmother (or mother, can't remember) made the doll. She reminds me of early Barbies with that glancing away look she always has. Her eyes are a really deep brown (you can't even see her pupils unless you look at her directly in the sun), her hair is sculpted on and the body states 'McNees Mold' M - 997 - 8 on the body and M - 1005 - a on the head. I think the maker of the doll put their initials (L.P.H.) on the body. Her legs have this weird... blue spotting on them. I think I'll cover it up with tights or a longer dress. I really don't know why I insist on keeping her, but... oh well. She's too cute, I guess.

I had to convince my mom to let me buy her because my mom felt I had too many dolls. Now that I have only two of the 4 boxes of childhood things of mine in my room, I think it's true. Many of the stuffed animals I had in the boxes have gone to a local thrift store, along with a couple of the smaller porcelain dolls. That's why I don't think I'm ever gonna get another American Girl doll unless I find a doll I really can't live without for a super cheap price. I have to fix Samantha up (wig, retightening limbs), they all need a special spot in my room, I'm losing my wits trying to figure out what I should do. I'm probably going to get doll stands and shelves for all of them, porcelain dolls included. I didn't do this before because I wanted to keep my dolls in a place I can reach them easily for changing and hair styling (I'm five foot one, there's a LOT of places I can't reach). Then there are the doll wardrobes I have to make... All 4 of my girls need a wardrobe, plus maybe the McNees doll... Sigh... please help me I'm doing too much, please don't tell me I'm diving too deep into my love of dolls... 

I also want to talk about/announce my new email!! E-mail me there if you have any questions/updates/requests from me! Thank you guys for reading and have a great Sunday!


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