Tutorial Tuesday - Doll Cake!

It can be hard to find a doll cake tutorial that isn't just jamming a doll into a cake... And since Kaleia's birthday is coming up in about a week, I've turned to a trusted source for tutorials... Living A Doll's Life. Now the blog is no longer getting updated but that doesn't mean the tutorials are not still useful!

Since a) I don't have clay and b) if I were to make clay myself in my mother's kitchen, I think she would annihilate me with lasers if I made a mess, I've used an unconventional way of making cakes. Using garden kneeling pads. No, not used ones but brand new ones from the Dollar Tree. (... I love you, Dollar Tree...)

Living A Doll's Life tutorial for this only makes a square cake. I wasn't a fan of it. I wanted to make a circular cake with 3 tiers/layers. Fancy, I know. I did not paint mine, I kept it the green since Saint Patrick's day is the theme of her upcoming birthday party.

Basically, all you have to do is cut out whatever shapes you want for the cake from the foam/rubber. Since I wanted a circular cake, I drew 3 circles and cut them out. Now, this part especially requires adult supervision since you're dealing with a sharp knife.

My edges were a little jagged, but I 'fixed' that by applying sparkly green yarn to the edges, like side icing on a cake. As mentioned before, I didn't paint the cake but I hotglued dark green fabric onto the second tier for some variety. Since the rubber/foam can be pierced, I took some coordinating push pins in pearly white, gold and emerald and placed them on the second tier. The top of the first tier has a 'K' on it.

Not bad for a first try, right?

They'll be more pictures of it when the day comes! :)


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