Let's Talk: How to "Fix" American Girl

This is something that's been bouncing around in my noggin for a while now, and well, I just want to put it all out there. What I think AG needs to do in order to get back to the 'glory days' of the Pleasant Company or boost their sales or some other happy ending... This is going to be a list because I don't know any other way to concisely state my thoughts.


Look, AG, you need to do 2 things. 1: have MORE sales. Not everyone can afford your $100+ dolls and sales are a great way to move product. 2: PROMOTE your sales. You just up and go post on your social media and update your site saying 'lol here's a random sale'. You should promote the sale for maybe a week beforehand so people will be hyped and will be saving their money to give to you. Almost every other retailer on the planet does it, so should you.


Your shipping prices are ridiculous. If the high price point to buy the dolls themselves weren't enough, add shipping that goes up with how much you pay instead of down. Most sites offer free shipping for orders over about $20 - $35, not $100 (and even then it's only for like a week in one of those surprise sales). Why don't you? Oh. Money. That's right. Or offer free shipping more often. Or better yet, both.


Either lower your price or up your quality. You can't keep the $100 price tag while the doll's quality lowers.


If you want people to shell out $100 for a toy, you need to have the quality to show for it. Now a days it seems like you guys are hit and miss with your quality: either your customers get the doll they paid for or they get something that no one on eBay would pay over $20. You need to get better quality control. Look at "No Man's Sky" or the "Batman: Arkham City" pc port. They both charged full retail price for either half baked promises that were overhyped and lied about or a glitchy, unplayable mess of a game... And both of them got rightly roasted for it. (Sorry for the gaming references, but it's the only thing I can think of to compare it to).


Yes, American Girl is aimed at kids. But there's also an adult collector audience. Keep those two audiences in mind when making things. Felicity was a doll I was sort of looking forward to see getting re-released but after a whole year of her not getting any new items, most people have forgotten about her. Are you going to do the same to Molly (whenever the heck she comes out...)? Collectors aren't going to be happy if you just release only Molly, her meet outfit, accessories and underwear for her. And some girls may want a Molly of their own along with the 'retro' collection. I know you guys can't exactly just re-release the old collections, but you could at least try to mimic them in a way. You did that exact thing for Samantha! You gave her new outfits and playsets before you cubed her.

I will never understand you, AG. I know I'm not a business person with a Masters Degree or something, but... I at least know what most other collectors want through what they post on social media and my family owned a business at one point.


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