Happy Anniversary, Nanea!

A year ago today, my girl Nanea was first released! Let's go over some of my pictures of her and all her stuff in order to celebrate~!
Nanea in her box!

My very first picture of Nanea!

I was so happy to receive this dress along with Nanea!
I did not receive my Nanea until a little bit before Christmas. (Early Christmas present and all). As soon as I saw a picture of her through AG's promotional e-mails, I knew I had to have her. Her face was just so expressive and beautiful to me. I can't explain why I wanted her so badly, just that I wanted her really, really badly...

Nanea, her accessories and a some other items were released on this day (Her hula outfit, PJs, swimsuit, her dog, supermarket and Holoku outfit). Other outfits were released later.


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