Sewing Sunday - Kaleia's Birthday Outfit

As mentioned during her birthday celebration, I made Kaleia's birthday outfit myself as a birthday present to her. The skirt came from a pair of Build a Bear Workshop bear boxers out of all things! The shamrock pattern can be a little bold, so a solid color top was my favorite choice to pair it with. I made her tank top from some white fabric I have lying around. The 'sleeves' are actually just a piece of yarn that ties up around the back of her neck. I sewed the yarn into the front of her shirt. I did not make any shoes because Kaleia doesn't like shoes - she calls them 'feet prisons'. If she had it her way, she would go barefoot all year 'round. But when she has to go out, she prefers wearing sandals or flipflops. If she gets really cold, she will put on tennis shoes, but only begrudgingly. 


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